
Leading Bible Discussions: Completely Revised & Expanded is unavailable, but you can change that!

Anyone can be the match that ignites a Bible discussion. All it takes is a few basic skills. This book will help you learn: • How to start a group • How to decide what to study • How to prepare to lead • How to study the Bible • How to use a study guide • How to write your own questions • How to lead the discussion • How to evaluate the study Over 100,000 copies of this...

people at work and those who live around me. For example, at home I should be more willing to do those jobs which no one else likes to do, such as washing dishes and carrying out the trash. Question: How can you serve those around you in your family, at work or school, in society? Application: I should begin cultivating the attitude of a servant this week. I will volunteer to do the dinner dishes at least twice this week. Question: What specific act of service can you do for someone this week? Application:
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